Press Release: 55

SDMA update the Industry Code of Practice for promoting Wound Care and Associated Products to Healthcare Professionals

The purpose of the SDMA Code of Practice is to promote high professional and ethical standards of business practice amongst SDMA member companies and their employees.  The SDMA also encourages these standards to become accepted across wound care and associated industries and to make them widely known to healthcare professionals.
The code is intended to encourage industry to work in partnership with healthcare professionals and procurement organisations in an ethical manner – and to promote standards of sales promotion and business activity that ensure the decision to purchase is made on the basis of the merits of the product or service acceptability for its intended purpose.
The code has strong support amongst SDMA member companies and provides a complaints procedure for alleged breaches of the code which can be invoked by member companies, non-member companies, healthcare professionals, or private individuals.  All complaints are judged by a completely independent expert panel.
A new version 6 has now been published – but, as with all previous versions, remains open to continuous revision.  The SDMA always welcomes any feedback on the code.
A copy of the new version can be downloaded here.

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