How to make a complaint

The procedure is intended to be straightforward and is fully described in section 5 of the code. The following is a brief summary.

Complaints against SDMA members may be made by healthcare professionals, healthcare trusts and boards, member companies or private individuals, when they consider a breach of the Code of Practice has occurred.

Organisations or companies who feel a complaint may be appropriate should attempt to resolve the issue prior to a formal complaint being made. The secretary will always encourage this process.

Healthcare professionals or private individuals can make complaints directly to the SDMA without having to attempt a resolution of the issue with an SDMA member company. The SDMA will, at their request, maintain their anonymity. The SDMA secretary can also assist such complainants if necessary.

Complaints must be made in writing to the Secretary of the SDMA indicating the clauses involved (this may be by letter or by a signed e-mail attachment) and providing appropriate evidence. When the complainant is a company, they must advise the company which is the subject of the complaint at the same time they raise the complaint with the SDMA.  Non-member companies making a complaint under the code will be asked to contribute to the cost of the complaint process.

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